Πέμπτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries Country Threat Index (CTI) Interactive World Map - Read more at: http://scl.io/6ye9rG7i#gs.KdI_dws

Based on Terrorist & Rebel Activity Over Past 30 Days as of 18 Sep 2016

IntelCenter's Country Threat Index (CTI) examines the volume of terrorist and rebel alerts, messaging traffic, videos, photos, incidents and the number killed and injured in a country over the past 30 days and runs it through an algorithm to assign the country its CTI. The higher the CTI the greater the risk.

The top 10 most dangerous countries in the world based on terrorist and rebel activity over the past 30 days as of 18 Sep. 2016 are shown below with their CTI rankings and score. The map above shows the CTI scores for all countries. You can see the CTI score for each country by hovering over it. Up-to-the-minute CTI rankings for all countries are contained in the IntelCenter Database (ICD).

Rank Country CTI Score
1 Syria 528
2 Iraq 479
3 Afghanistan 379
4 Turkey 234
5 Pakistan 151
6 Somalia 99
7 Libya 96
8 US 85
9 Philippines 78
10 Ukraine 68
There are a total of 56 countries with a CTI greater than zero. The average CTI for these countries is 47. The Global CTI is 2,622.

Methodology Note:
A low CTI does not necessarily reflect the absence of risk as the US in the lead-up to 9-11 would have had a low CTI. It does, however, reflect a lower level of activity over the preceding 30 days which means high-volume activity is unlikely but one-off events are always a possibility. The CTI should never be the sole measure of risk in a country but rather one factor to take into consideration. The CTI is based solely on terrorist and rebel related activity. It does not evaluate other risk factors such as crime and political instability. The Global CTI is arrived at by adding up each individual country's CTI. It serves as an overall indicator of global terrorist and rebel activity. Each country's live up-to-the-minute CTI ranking along with all the data used to arrive at the CTI is available in the IntelCenter Database (ICD). IntelCenter is continuously adding new material to the ICD, including historical data to enhance the accuracy of the CTI and other data points. In order to have the most accurate information, please always refer to the latest data available in the ICD. - Read more at: http://scl.io/6ye9rG7i#gs.KdI_dws

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