Σάββατο 6 Απριλίου 2024

Greek monasteries ban politicians who voted for gay marriage—“If we remain silent, we’ll also be condemned”


 Those members of the Greek Parliament who voted to legalize gay marriage have violated and offended the will of God, thereby calling down judgment upon themselves.

And were they to remain silent, they would become complicit and likewise condemned, state the monastic signatories of a new statement concerning the scandalous vote from mid-February.

The new statement, full of Scriptural references, is signed by the abbots and abbesses and their respective brotherhoods and sisterhoods of 35 monasteries from throughout Greece, including the Athonite monasteries of Xeropotamou, Dochariou, Karakallou, Philotheou, and Konstamanitou.

Until they offer their public repentance, the relevant members of Parliament are no longer welcome at the signing monasteries, and should they visit of their own accord, they will not be shown any honor.

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