Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Russian Sukhoi Su-24 crashes in Syria – Defense Ministry

The Russian Defense Ministry has reported the crash of a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 aircraft in Syria on Nov. 24.
"A Sukhoi Su-24 aircraft of the Russian aviation group in the Syrian Arab Republic crashed today, in the territory of Syria, presumably as a result of shelling from the ground," a representative of the Russian Defense Ministry told Interfax.
The circumstances of the crash, which occurred while the plane was flying at an altitude of 20,000 feet, are being examined, though it is thought the pilots survived the incident.
"According to preliminary information, the pilots ejected themselves," the Defense Ministry representative said.
However, there is some uncertainty about whether the fighter was in Syrian airspace when it was shot down, with CNN Turkey reporting that the plane violated Turkish airspace and was shot down by the Turkish air force.
The Russian Defense Ministry has rejected these claims.
"The plane remained exclusively above the territory of Syria throughout the entire flight," the ministry said

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