Πέμπτη 12 Ιουλίου 2018

Greece, Russia to expel diplomats in Macedonia tussle ahead of NATO summit

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece will expel two Russian diplomats suspected of meddling in the politically sensitive issue of Macedonia, a Greek diplomatic source said on Wednesday, as NATO prepares to invite the former Yugoslav republic to join the alliance.
Russia said it would respond in kind to the Greek move, in a rare diplomatic tussle between two Orthodox Christian nations that have traditionally enjoyed warm relations.
Macedonia is expecting an invitation at the NATO summit in Brussels this week to join following its landmark deal with Greece whereby it will change its name to the Republic of North Macedonia. Moscow strongly opposes NATO expansion.
A member of Russia’s upper house of parliament, Andrei Klimov, told RIA news agency that Moscow would expel two Greek diplomats in response. He did not mention Macedonia or give further detail about the matter.

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