Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2020

Kosovo’s Narco-Terrorist Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj resigns after Hague Criminal Court Summons

 This is not the first time.  Previous attempts to bring former KLA – Narco – Terrorist commander Ramush Haradinaj to justice have failed because of alleged witness intimidation, and worse.  Not that would ever diminish Bill Clinton’s obvious affection for this brutal warlord.

kosovo CNN cartoon albanian-terror

A number of the witnesses called to testify against Haradinaj apparently died under suspicious circumstances.

At the end of the trial Judge Alphonsus Orie remarked, “The Chamber gained a strong impression that the trial was being held in an atmosphere where witnesses felt unsafe.” He said that there were “significant difficulties” securing testimony from a large number of witnesses. Of the almost 100 witnesses giving evidence, 34 had to be granted “protective measures” such as using a pseudonym during the court proceedings or having their faces and voices distorted. Eighteen were issued with subpoenas forcing them to attend.

One key witness, former KLA member Shefquet Kabashi, absconded at the last moment from his hotel room leaving a note which said that security conditions were not “fulfilled for a witness to testify properly” at the tribunal. He said he had been threatened during the only other KLA trial ever held at the tribunal—that of former commanders Fatmir Limaj and Isak Musliu—and claimed other witnesses who had testified under protective measures had been killed. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2008/04/kla-a16.html

kosovo Hacim Thaci with KLA members Comandante cobra

That for which Ramush Haradinaj had been previously accused: Ethnic cleansing, murder, abductions, beatings, torture, and attacking refugees.  Definitely Bill Clinton’s kind of guy:

The indictment alleges that after 24 March 1998, KLA forces under the command and control of Ramush Haradinaj mounted a systematic campaign to seize control of the area between villages of Glodjane/Gllogjan and Decani/Deçan and particularly the villages of Dubrava/Dubravë, Rznic/Irzniq, Ratis/Ratishe and Dasinovac/Dashinoc in order to drive ethnic Serbs out of the villages where they were living and that they also continued to launch attacks against the camp of refugees of Babaloc/Baballoq near Decani/Deçan (this camp had been the target of similar KLA attacks since 1997).

The indictment states that the KLA forces under the command and control of Ramush Haradinaj, including the “Black Eagles” under the direct command of Idriz Balaj harassed, beat or otherwise drove Serbian civilian and Roma/Egyptian civilians out of these villages, and killed those civilians that remained behind or had refused to abandon their homes and that they continued to mount similar attacks against the Serb and Roma/Egyptian civilians, as well as Albanian civilians perceived as collaborators. The indictment further states that many abductions by KLA forces took place in the Dukagjin zone and that tens of civilians went missing. The indictment also alleges that the KLA forces acting under the command and control of Ramush Haradinaj had full control of the operational zone and did not tolerate the presence of any other Albanian factions fighting against the Serbs, such as the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kosovo (“FARK”).

Albanian atrocities Kosovo

The indictment alleges that in the second half of May 1998, a make-shift detention centre was established at the KLA headquarters in Jablanica/Jabllanicë and that between then and August 1998, at least 16 non-combatants were detained, beaten and tortured there. One is known to have died while the others are still missing.  http://www.icty.org/en/press/indictment-against-ramush-haradinaj-idriz-balaj-and-lahi-brahimaj-released-public

Ramush Hardinaj, like the current ‘President’ of Kosovo Hacim Tachi,  has also been implicated in heroin trafficking, human organ harvesting, and the sex slave trade.


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