Σάββατο 18 Απριλίου 2015

Moldova , 61% of population approval for Putin

Vladimir Putin , president of Russian Federation , is now the most trusted political figure according to most recent political opinion poll in Moldova . With unprecedented 61% approval rating !

In comparison with other political leaders :

Vladimir Putin - 61%
Merkel - 44%
Klaus Iohannis - 36%
Barack Hussein Obama - 32%

The second , most shocking change is the public opinion on the path of Euro integration . If just one year ago , the public opinion on what path the country should take , Euro integration or Euroasian Customs Union with Russia , was nearly a 50/50 , to be precise 48% for Euro , 52% for Euroasian Union . Now it changed , and it changed dramatically !

For European Union : 40%
For Euroasian Customs Union with Russia : 58%

The next interesting part change is the countries where people would like to immigrate the most if given such option :

Russian Federation : 23.6%
Germany : 6.5%
Italy : 3.6%
France , UK and other EU countries combined : 6.2%
Canada : 3%
USA : 2.2%

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f92_1429333609#DR3Mjb0zKwjkHIY8.99

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