Δευτέρα 25 Αυγούστου 2014

Serbia’s biggest exporter: Fiat

BELGRADE – Serbia’s biggest exporter in the first seven months of this year was Kragujevac-based company Fiat Automobili Srbija (FAS), with a total of EUR 921.6 million worth of exports, according to the Serbian Ministry of Finance.
The Ministry of Finance, which has published a list of the 15 top exporters in the country, said that Fiat’s exports in the period under consideration had been up 9.8 percent against a year earlier.
The second biggest exporter was the Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS), with exports worth EUR 214.5 million, and Pirot-based Tigar Tyres was ranked as third with exports of EUR 139.9 million.
Next on the list are HIP Petrohemija from Pancevo, with exports of EUR 109.9 million, Gorenje Serbia with exports of EUR 106.3 million, Zelezara Smederevo with EUR 91.8 million and Tetrapak from Belgrade, whose exports amounted to EUR 90.7 million.
Eighth on the list is Hemofarm Vrsac with exports of EUR 84.1 million, ninth was Yura Corporation from Raca with EUR 71.3 million, followed by Tarkett from Backa Palanka with EUR 70 million and Ball Packaging with 68 million.
Next are Sirmium from Sremska Mitrovica with EUR 62.3 million, RTB Invest from Bor with exports of EUR 61.7 million, Impol Seval from Sevojno with EUR 57.8 million and Leoni from Prokuplje, whose exports in the first seven months of this year amounted to EUR 52.1 million.

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