Τετάρτη 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

What Do Americans Think About Belgrade?

Belgrade Serbia
Paul Rockower is an American photographer and journalist who has traveled to more than 55 countries. His photography and journalism work has been published in the Jerusalem Post, Korea Times, Taiwan News, Jakarta Globe, Huffington Post, etc. He has traveled to 55 countries… including Serbia (last week). And he wrote three posts on his personal blog showing that Belgrade is not what most Americans think it is, a dangerous city and a very inhospitable place to visit.
When he told people he was going to Serbia, they worried about him. But he wrote:
In reality, I feel much safer in Serbia than America….
And Paul Rockower likes Belgrade:
Belgrade is one of my favorite cities in the world, and that is not a compliment I take or make lightly.
In fact, he does not like Belgrade… He has fallen completely in love with the city. Why? Well, read Paul Rockower’s post titled “Belgrade Beauty.” It is so good that I am posting below the whole thing — but check out Paul’s site directly.
Belgrade Beauty
As I sit in my palatial room bedecked with gold trim in the Rezime Crown, and the sound of the street symphony’s scherzos filters through my large open windows with orange lace veils, all I can think of is how much I love Belgrade. This is truly a grand city–one that I have fallen completely in love with.
I would put Belgrade on my top ten list of cities worldwide. Probably around number 6 or 7. That is how highly I think of the place. But it is truly a wonderful city, with warm, wonderful people, terrific food and some real culture.
And the girls are some of the hottest in the world. Like really, I think Belgrade may win for the shear number of ridiculously hot girls around. Tough to nudge Istanbul, Paris or Rio, but it is uncanny.
I with I had more bandwidth to be writing about all that has been going on. It strikes me as sad that when I am doing the most meaningful, wonderful work, I have the least time to write about it. So it goes.
But in short, I am good. I am grand. And I really love Belgrade.
That’s it. When American people visit Belgrade, they discover that it is truly a safe and wonderful city, with warm, wonderful people, and fantastic food.

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