Τρίτη 22 Μαρτίου 2016

17 dead, dozens wounded in 2 blasts at Brussels airport - reports

17 people have reportedly been killed and dozens wounded after two blasts rocked Brussels’ Zaventem airport.
READ MORE: Terrified Brussels airport visitors flee terminal building after twin blasts (VIDEO)
Brussels police have told Sputnik that Zaventem’s great hall was targeted in the blast, but they couldn’t confirm the number of the victims in the attack.
“There was an explosion, but we cannot say more," a police spokesperson said.
LIVE UPDATES: Brussels airport bombing
Reports also suggest that first there was a shot fired in the departure hall, then something was called out in Arabic, and only afterward, two explosions rocked the facility

Reports are coming in that one of the explosions took place near the American Airlines check-in desk. A government source confirmed to VRT broadcaster that it was an attack, while Anke Fransen, spokeswoman for Brussels Airport, said there were multiple injuries. "We can confirm that there have been two explosions in the departure hall. We called the emergency services on the ground – they [are] now provid[ing] first aid to the injured."

Blast reported at Brussels' Maalbek metro station following airport bombing

A blast has been reported at the Maalbeek metro station in Brussels, which is just meters away from the Gare de Bruxelles-Schuman railway station. The explosion comes less than an hour after a bombing at a Brussels airport killed at least 17 people.
Large amounts of smoke have been seen coming out of the metro station in the Belgian capital. Brussels’ transport authority says all metro stations in the city are being closed, Reuters reports.
The Mallbeek station is also near a number of important EU buildings such as Berlaymont building, which houses the EU Commission and the Council of the European Union.
Belgian authorities have raised the security alert to the highest level following blasts at the Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek Metro station

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Две снажне експлозије одјекнуле су мало пре 08 часова по локалном времену на бриселском аеродрому Завентем, евакуација путника у току. Густ облак дима се диже изнад зграде терминала. Сведок изјавио да је видео експлозију бомбе код шалтера за чекирање. Од силине експлозије попуцала су сва стакла на терминалу

Το Βέλγιο ανέβασε το επίπεδο συναγερμού στο ανώτατο επίπεδο μετά τον Β Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο
- Έκλεισε το Μετρό των Βρυξελλών - Τραυματίες από την έκρηξη
- Τουλάχιστον 17 νεκροί και δεκάδες τραυματίες σύμφωνα με το Russia Today
- Εκκενώθηκε και έκλεισε το αεροδρόμιο των Βρυξελλών Ζάβεντεμ
- Σημειώθηκαν δυο εκρήξεις δίπλα στο γκισέ της American Airlines
- Οι δυο εκρήξεις σημειώνονται λίγα 24ωρα μετά τη σύλληψη του Σαλάχ Αμπντεσλάμ, του ένατου δράστη της τρομοκρατικής επίθεσης στο Παρίσι, από τις βελγικές αρχές
- Οι αρχές ζήτησαν από τους κατοίκους να μείνουν στα σπίτια τους
- Σήμερα είναι Μεγάλη Τρίτη των Καθολικών και το αεροδρόμιο ήταν γεμάτο ταξιδιώτες του Πάσχα


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