Σάββατο 22 Απριλίου 2017

Serbia and Greece share view on situation in region

Serbia and Greece view the situation in the region from the same positions and they will cooperate more on regional stability in the future.

Serbian Minister without Portfolio for EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Greek Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Georgios Katrougalos said this in Athens on Thursday.
Discussing the situation in the region, they agreed that “many disturbing statements leading to destabilization had been heard recently,” Tanjug reported.
Speaking in Athens, Joksimovic said that Greece is “a sincere friend and partner of Serbia – in terms of the European path of our country, and of regional stability.”
In a statement to Tanjug, cited by the Serbian government, the minister said that she and her Greek interlocutor “discussed regional stability, economic cooperation, Serbia’s European path, the migrant crisis, but that the focus was the friendship between the two countries, which must not be forgotten.”
She “explained that the aim of her visit to Athens is preparation for the joint session of the two governments, which will be held in July in Thessaloniki, and at which several agreements in various fields are expected to be signed.”
Greece is undoubtedly an important friend and partner of Serbia on its European path and in terms of regional stability, Joksimovic reiterated and added that Serbia has the unequivocal support of that country on its European path and that Athens will support the opening of new chapters for which Serbia is ready, before the end of the Maltese presidency, i.e. until the end of June this year.
According to her, there is a lot of room for economic cooperation, especially in the fields of tourism and joint projects that might be implemented in the future.

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