Τετάρτη 25 Μαΐου 2011

Djelic to attend conference "Social cooperatives – step closer towards social entrepreneurship in Serbia"

The conference is organised by “Group 484” in cooperation with the team for social inclusion and poverty reduction of Deputy Prime Minister Djelic’s cabinet, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and the Belgrade City Commission for Gender Equality.
Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Bozidar Djelic will attend the National Conference “Social cooperatives – step closer towards social entrepreneurship in Serbia" on 25 May at 11:00 at the Palace of Serbia, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 2.

The conference is organised by “Group 484” in cooperation with the team for social inclusion and poverty reduction of Deputy Prime Minister Djelic’s cabinet, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and the Belgrade City Commission for Gender Equality.

The gathering is held with the support of the Canadian embassy to Serbia, as part of the project “Advocating Social Cooperatives” and UniCredit Foundation from Milan, as part of the “Forum of Social Companies” project.

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