Τρίτη 26 Μαΐου 2015

Donetsk: Where the heart of humanity still beats(Stavros Vitalis)

Donetsk: Where the heart of humanity still beats.
By Stavros Vitalis, President of Patriotic Front of Greece.
The primery thought was that the first announcement on the the work that we, the Delegation of the Patriotic Front of Greece have done, in the People’s Republic of Donetsk and New Russia, to be a "report on the activities, decisions and agreements”.
But now that the distance from the "battle line" makes the fuss of the cannons, multiple launchers, heavy weapons and AK-47 a recollection of a nearby past, a voice deep within the consciousness, a voice coming out from the bright side of the Human soul, dictates: The first mention should be the drops of tears, blood and morning dew at the same time, from this enchanted place. The place of the heartbeat of the humanity: Our soul’s Donetsk.
In the times ahead, we will be having enough time to refer to collective decisions, to agreements, to collaborations. To the strengthening of the solidarity of our peoples.
Today, however, the reference, belongs to the people of Donetsk. As a polite and humble tribute to these people, who guard Thermopylae, on behalf of all of us.
• To brother Anton. He knows.
• To Captain Valentina, English Professor, our mother and our sister.
• To Eleni, Teacher, Chairman of the Greeks of Donetsk, with the smile of hope and our guide.
• To Janna in Humanitarian Aid office, always with a phone in her hand to open our roads.
• To Sasa, First Class Captain, our guardian angel in the line of duty.
• To Alexei with his sad eyes and his non stop agony for his people, Chairman of the Youth Parliament.
• To Bogdana with her wonderful voice, Coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
• To Ljuba, Coordinator of the House of People's Republic of Donetsk, our permanent protective shadow.
• To Alexander, a leading tenor and Culture Minister, with the polite look and the music of Prokofiev, alive in his blood.
• To Larissa, Minister of Education, Professor of Mathematics, with her teary eyes.
• To Colonel Basourin, panhuman personification of dignity, determination and courage.
• To Father Andrei, a holly and martyrical form of the brighter and nobler expression of our Orthodoxy.
• And finally, to the 'Unknown Soldier', Michael, Sergey, Alexander, Giorgi, Valentina, Jelena, Anatoly, etc, who silently and modestly, continue guarding Thermopylae, across the battle of the line, which was drawn on April 7, 2014, against the fascism of the New Order.
All these people, have demonstrated continuously to me, all the time that I spent with them, that they are the last progeny of the Spiritual and Brave Man, in this tortured planet called earth.
They reminded me of days of politeness, days that carved hope to humanity, days of struggle for equally divided bread, days of revolution for universal solidarity, days of battle for the dignity of the Homo Sapiens, days of fight for the Right of the People for Self Determination, on the flakes of the earth.
They reminded me of the days of '21 in the Ottoman Occupied Morea, the days of 1940 at the Greek-Albanian border, the days of 1789 in Paris, the days of October '17 in Russia, the days of 1953 in Cuba, the days of 1979 in Managua, the days of '93 in Sarajevo. Days that regardless of their specific ideological-political content, were days of Human hope for peace, for dignity, for the respect of the people’s Homelands and their right for Self Determination.
• To these people, who do not hate, but insist to love their fellow Ukrainians on the other side of the war line, by calling them brothers and sisters.
• To these people who kindly shared their bread, their pain and dignity, with us, their fellow Greeks.
• To these people who obstinately persist, that humanity can still hope.
• To these Humans that today are, the last and only authentic line and frontier against the vulgarity of the New Order, the Multinational loathsome Corporations, the stinking Banksters, the cretins warmongers, the fascists, the neo-Nazis, the murderers of the Peoples, I do bow with immense humility.
As a trivial but stubborn fighter, who spent his youth, almost all his life, for the same ideals that are shared today and every day as a holy bread, at the neighborhoods and battle lines of Donetsk, I do state that I owe them gratitude.
Disappointed, almost crushed by the incredible retreat of my own people, the Greeks, their spurious need for a handful of Euros, their fury for hunting happiness in consuming, and in nonsense encounters and relationships. Betrayed many times by people to whom I have tabled my soul, my being, today, I say again erect and alive, with a sad smile, but perhaps again with the determination of the first 25-year old fighter who left 40 years ago for the Front competitor Saharawi people in Western Sahara.
People of the People's Republic of Donetsk, thank you.
As a Greek patriot who "has seen many men’s cities and became wise by learning from them," (Homer’s Odyssey) I do declare that I will do everything that may soften your pain, to convey your universal messages, to serve the development of relations and solidarity of our Peoples, at all possible levels.
You gave me back the necessary ingredient of life, called Hope.
You reminded to me that Man is not the sullen and desperate citizen, who spreads his hand for a few borrowed Euros, begging for a bag of potatoes. That Women are not the everyday sell-out of their flesh, in claiming for a share from the pie of the insignificant.
These messages, are spread today with my voice, with my writing, like a small candle, but lit and ready to fire, the hearts of the Greeks.
Beyond that, as a most experienced General, I am forging ahead in the plan that we agreed. And let the dogs of hate around the world yelp and threaten.
May the example of your struggle wakes up the tormented soul of my people, the Greeks.
Honor and glory to all Peoples of the World, who guard Thermopylae.
Honor and glory to the struggling people of the People’s Republic of Donetsk

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