Πέμπτη 26 Ιουνίου 2014

e bastard clint williamson? No evidence on ‘Yellow House’, organ trafficking in Kosovo?

PRISTINA – Pristina TV “Klan Kosova” announced that a special investigation team, headed by US prosecutor Clint Williamson, has not found evidence on organ trafficking in Kosovo during war in 1999.

“Yellow House” in Albania
As claimed by the television close to Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, the report should be published in two months and it will discard report of Europe Council’s Special Rapporteur, Dick Marty, on trafficking in human organs of kidnapped Serbs and other non-Albanians.
“I can not say that this is surprising for us, although we secretly hoped that maybe this time the international community will work impartially and in accordance with the evidence, justice and truth. But, as it has happened throughout the previous period, they are entirely on the side of extremists and secessionists in Kosovo, with the goal to justify the crimes that happened against Serbs and to justify the so-called state of Kosovo, which was created on those crimes. Believe me, it is hard for me to speak, I am so bittered, sad and desperate. Although I tried to look at things realistically, I secretly hoped that this time the investigation will be professional and impartial,” Natasa Scepanovic, president of the Association of victims in Kosovo and Metohija in 1998-2000, told “Vesti”.
Citing well-informed sources, the mentioned television said that the report of the special international investigation team will be postponed for two months, although it was previously announced it will be published in June.
According to those sources, after presenting the report, Williamson will leave the position of the Head of the special team, and he will be replaced by also an American. New prosecutor will then narrow the investigation to only 12 cases of war crimes, that Williams’ team found evidence that they have happened after June 12 1999.
These are individual crimes which were not organized by a criminal group. If it turns out that this information is correct, the darkest forebodings will come true, that even after the report of Dick Marty about the infamous yellow house, where organs were taken from kidnapped Serbs for the sake of resale, those who committed this heinous crime will not be brought to justice.
“As soon as we saw that they awaited this long for the investigation to be over, and at the same time we did not have a single information about the progress, it indicated that someone is controlling the investigation and that they want to protect people in power in Pristina, the former command staff of KLA,” said Scepanovic.

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