Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2011

The first meeting of the Serbian companies parliament held in Belgrade

04. June 2011. | 08:03
Source: Emg.rs
The first meeting of the Serbian companies parliament, which is being held in the House of the National Assembly, has brought together 250 businessmen and entrepreneurs who look at the problems the Serbian economy is facing.
Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said that industrial production increased by 4.5% in the first four months of this year, which shows that industry has become a generator of economic growth.

Opening the first meeting of the Serbian companies parliament, Cvetkovic said that there was a growth in exports of 31%, which means that companies’ growth is based on exchangeable goods.

He pointed out that according to data for March and April, there was no drop in employment, noting that this period saw a modest employment growth of around 2,000 workers.

Cvetkovic said that the government’s current measures as well as those yet to be undertaken will provide further impetus to economic growth planned for this year.

The Prime Minister announced that a new programme of support to export will probably be published next week, which is mainly aimed at small and medium enterprises.

He explained that postal company Posta Srbije will provide its services for smaller deliveries, which will also include customs fees.

Cvetkovic said that macroeconomic stability has been preserved and that we have successfully completed the first mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in relation to the precautionary arrangement that should be signed in late August or early September.

When it comes to measures of the government to link the years of employment, he said that 400 companies employing 46,000 workers in which the state is the majority owner have registered.

Speaking about the problem of liquidity of the economy, Cvetkovic said that the Ministry of Finance is reviewing the debts of the administration and public enterprises.

Cvetkovic said that the Serbian companies parliament is an opportunity for businesspeople to talk with executive and legislative authorities, and the experience from the EU shows that this dialogue yields good results.

Deputy Prime Minister Verica Kalanovic said that the adoption of measures for fighting insolvency is in the final stage and that it has been established that the state’s debt to companies is less than 10% of total liabilities.

The problem of insolvency will start to be resolved in line with the agreement made with businessmen and that is to pay off debts within 60 days at the latest, she explained.

The state is calculating liabilities of public companies, local self-governments and local companies, as well as trade chains.

Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said that Serbian businessmen should participate in making state decisions and achieve strategic dialogue with representatives of the authorities.

He said that our country is one step away from obtaining the EU candidate status and it is the strategic goal of the state to harmonise its legislation with the real needs of businesmen.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that for the European integration process, it is very important that Serbia regulates the issue of property rights, which implies the adoption of the laws on restitution and public property.

The drafts of these laws are under preparation and these laws will largely influence the regulation of many other fields.

Serbia must also regulate the area of public procurement, Djelic said and announced changes in the current law that will help Serbian businessmen to become more competitive on the market.

Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic said that every economy in the world, including Serbian, owes its success to entrepreneurs, noting that the Serbian companies parliament will be another valuable mechanism which will point out in which segments the law is not being applied or is inappropriate.

The first meeting of the Serbian companies parliament, which is being held in the House of the National Assembly, has brought together 250 businessmen and entrepreneurs who look at the problems the Serbian economy is facing.

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