Τρίτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2012

"400,000 children in Serbia living in poverty"

BELGRADE -- Tuesday marks Universal Children's Day, and Serbia is welcoming it with nearly 400,000 children living in poverty, Tanjug news agency is reporting.

(FoNet, file)
(FoNet, file)

According to the data that Tanjug obtained from the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy, nearly 400,000 children receive child allowance from the state budget.

This means that the income per household member does not exceed RSD 7,760 (about EUR 69) per month.

“These children are living in poverty, and these families belong to socially vulnerable groups,“ the ministry noted.

The UNICEF data show that almost 140,000 children in Serbia aged under 13 are living "in absolute poverty".

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