Δευτέρα 14 Ιουλίου 2014

Belgrade Summer Festival from July 15 to August 15

BELGRADE – The Belgrade Summer Festival, Belef 2014, under the slogan “Sentimental Journey” will offer various art programs to Belgraders and their guests from July 15 to August 15, organizers said at a press conference on Wednesday.

This year’s Belef will take place at Republic Square, in front of the Cervantes Institute, at Flower Square, the House of King Peter I, and near the Statue of the Victor at Belgrade Fortress.
The festival will be declared open at Republic Square on July 15 by Italian tenor Tino Favazza, soprano Snezana Savcic-Sekulic and the Stanislav Binicki ensemble of the Defense Ministry.
Belef Art Director Vojkan Borisavljevic said at today’s news conference in the City Assembly that 22 program units will be realized during this one-month festival, art music units making up a major part, then jazz concerts and student programs.
“With this program, we wanted to win audiences back,” Borisavljevic said.
“It is evident that there is no pop or rock music because such events are available at other festivals for those who have some other interests,” he said.
On August 15, the festival will be declared closed by one of the most popular singers in the former Yugoslavia Leo Martin and the Belgrade Dance Orchestra.
Entrance is free to all Belef events

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